Do you wanna shake up your fruit roster? If so, check out this list of fruits that start with P. You’ll easily recognize a few like peaches, pears, and pineapple, but hopefully you’ll discover some cool new additions to your fruit repertoire.
For instance, have you ever heard of pigface fruit? Or did you know there’s a hybrid fruit called a plumcot? (Read on to find out which two fruits make this hybrid.)
You’ll also discover interesting facts about each fruit in addition to their nutritional value. Let’s get started.
Fruits that Start with the Letter P
1. Papaya
This tropical staple is known for having a sweet and juicy flesh that tastes both citrusy and sugary. You can use papaya to punch up smoothies, salsas, or salads, but it’s also delicious enough to enjoy solo. Even better, papaya has beneficial gut-friendly properties. It contains an enzyme called papain that can help break down proteins in the body and improve digestion (1).
2. Pineberry
At first glance, this fruit looks like an albino strawberry. And that’s not actually too far from the truth; the pineberry member of the strawberry family but with a few unique characteristics. It has white flesh with red seeds and a tart flavor that’s slightly reminiscent of pineapple. Some say pineberries are even sweeter than their red counterparts. Use them in desserts, smoothies, or as a garnish for a fancy cocktail.
3. Passionfruit
This sweet citrus has a distinctive flavor that tastes somewhere between sugary, tart, and slightly floral. You’ll find crunchy, edible seeds dispersed throughout the juicy flesh that add a unique texture to every bite. Passionfruit is equally nutritious as it is delicious, with high amounts of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C (2). And with such a delectable flavor, you’ll have no hard time incorporating it into your diet.
4. Peach
It’s hard not to think about summer every time you take a bite out of a peach. The sweet, syrupy flesh makes for one juicy mouthful, coupled with the unique texture of the soft fuzzy skin. You can eat peaches fresh, canned, poached, baked into delicious desserts like pies, cobblers, and crisps, or simply infused into water or iced tea. And luckily for us, these sweet treats boast a healthy dose of vitamin C, A, and potassium (3).
5. Pear
The pear is like apple’s more subdued cousin, with a mildly sweet flavor and soft-yet-crisp texture. You can eat them fresh, baked, poached, or even prepared as a liqueur, and they pair well with a variety of flavors, including sweet, savory, and spicy. Pears are also chock full of fiber and contain an impressive source of polyphenol antioxidants that help protect against oxidative damage (4).
6. Pineapple
Ah yes, the classic pineapple. Who doesn’t long for the sweet tartness of this tropical sensation? This yellow fruit is delcious eaten whole, with each bite popping in your mouth with a juicy brightness. But it also pairs wonderfully with grilled or savory dishes (pineapple pizza anyone?) Aside from being incredibly delicious, pineapples are a great source of vitamin C and manganese. They also contain bromelain, a group of enzymes that can help break down proteins and improve digestion (5).
7. Pecan
This nut might not come to mind as a fruit that starts with P, but since it contains a single seed surrounded by a fleshy outer layer, it technically counts as a fruit. Pecans have a rich, buttery texture that lingers on your palate. The mild flavor makes it a welcome addition to sweet desserts like pies, cookies, and bars, as well as savory dishes like salads, casseroles, and meats. While high in calories and fat, it’s mostly good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Pecans are also rich in protein, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals (6).
8. Plum
Plums are a versatile fruit that come in a range of colors, from deep purple to bright yellow. The deep sweetness and ripe juiciness lends itself well to making jams, jellies, and baked goods, but you can also eat them fresh for equally delicious results. Plums are packed with nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and potassium (7).
9. Pitaya
Pitaya, (also known as dragon fruit) is native to Central and South America and has quite an unusual appearance. The tough, bumpy exterior ranges in color, from bright pink to deep yellow. Inside, you’ll find white or red flesh dotted with tiny black seeds. The flavor of pitaya is sweet, with a mildly tart flavor that tastes halfway between a pear or kiwi. The texture is best described as silky and tender with subtle crunch from the seeds. As far as nutrition goes, this fruit is low in calories but big on antioxidants like betalains, hydroxycinnamates, and flavonoids (8).
10. Plumcot
Also known as pluots, the plumcot is a hybrid fruit descending from plums and apricots. Hence the name, plumcot. It was first developed in the late 20th century by a California-based fruit breeder, and have since grown in popularity due to its unique taste and texture. The slightly fuzzy, plum-colored skin wraps around a vibrant red flesh that’s sweet and juicy. With only 30 calories per fruit and 3g of fiber, plumcots make for one healthy and delicious snack (9).
11. Persimmon
At first glance, you might confuse a persimmon with an underripe tomato, but the flavor will remind you more of an apricot. Think sweet, mild, and honey-like. Most persimmons hail from China, where the fruit originated (10). They’re great for snacking on raw or dried, but also make a mean addition to desserts, baked goods, and preserves. Persimmons are loaded with nutrients, especially fiber, vitamins A, C, copper, and manganese (11).
12. Pumpkin
This winter squash starts popping up on storefronts, porches, and festive displays during fall. But did you know that they also boast incredible health benefits? Just a single cup serving of pumpkin provides over 200% of your daily vitamin A requirement, along with a third of your vitamin K and copper. It also supplies you with 7g of fiber, 18% of your daily iron intake, and 22% of vitamin E (12). Plus, there are so many delectable ways to enjoy this festive fruit, ranging from pies to soups, pasta, and more. Be sure to pick the best varieties for eating and cooking.
13. Pigface Fruit
The name of this fruit may be unique, but the flavor might be even more unusual. Pigface fruit has a salty-sour taste and crunchy texture, which gives it the nickname “sour fig”. It hails from Australia and South Africa, but these days you can find it growing in the Atlantic coast of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the U.S Pacific Northwest. Little is known about the nutrition of pigface fruit, but historically it has been used for many ailments ranging from scurvy to insect bites (13). Aside from its claimed medical uses, it’s said to be rich in vitamin C and potassium (14).
14. Prickly Pears
The little spots on this desert fruit look like spikes, but they’re actually hair-like splinters that can painfully stick to your skin. Be sure to exercise caution when handling a prickly pear, but trust me, the effort is well worth it. Once you crack open one of these bad boys you can expect a soft, juicy interior that’s syrupy sweet. Prickly pears are a mainstay in Mexican cuisine, where they’re used for juice, salsa, chutneys, and jams. Even better, they’re high in vitamin C, manganese, and fiber (15).
15. Pomegranate
The pomegranate is a fruit with a history that’s as rich as its flavor, with roots tying it to the ancient Middle East. It’s known for having juicy, edible seeds packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, studies show that pomegranates have three times as many antioxidants than green tea (16). The flavor is tart, almost nearing bitter, but very sweet.
16. Pomelo
Pomelos are a lesser-known citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia. At first glance, it may look like a large grapefruit, but it’s actually quite different. The pomelo has a thick, spongy rind that’s usually green or yellow. It also has a pink or white flesh that’s similar in texture to a grapefruit but not as tart. It’s also much larger than a grapefruit, with some varieties weighing up to 4 pounds. Pomelos are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and potassium (17).