39 Fruits That Start With A

Christine Johnson

By Christine Johnson


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Fruits That Start With A.

If you struggle to eat your recommended five fruits and vegetables daily, perhaps you just need to try something new. This list of 39 Fruits That Start With A may give you ideas for common and rare fruits to try.

All edible fruit offers a range of nutritional benefits including dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and photochemicals. If you have a sweet tooth, enjoying fresh fruit is the healthiest way to satisfy your cravings.

If you enjoy variety, chances are there are delicious fruits you haven’t yet tasted. 

Fruits That Start With The Letter A

1. Abiu

Abiu is native to South America especially the Amazon region and commonly found in Colombia, Brazil, or Peru. More recently people started growing it in Hawaii as they thrive in a tropical climate where it is wet and warm.

This fruit is a similar size to a peach, but more of an oval shape with a pointy end, and when ripe it turns golden yellow.

To enjoy fresh abiu, simply cut the fruit in half and scoop out the soft flesh. Don’t bite through the peel like you might a peach since it isn’t edible and contains a gummy sap. Some describe the taste as having subtle hints of creamy caramel. 

2. Abiurana

The Abiurana is a rarer fruit similar to the abiu and it is also yellow with a light white translucent internal flesh. They are native to the Amazon region in Brazil.

Like their cousins the abiu, some eat Abiurana fresh using similar methods. Unlike abiu, abiurana is rarely cultivated commercially. 

3. Acai Palm

Commonly referred to as a “superfood” acai is a type of palm cultivated both for its fruit and edible palm hearts. These plants are native to Central and South America and thrive in flood plains.

People use acai berries in desserts, as a juice, blend it into smoothies, and also dry this antioxidant-rich fruit to use as dietary supplements. Sometimes people use the juice to make wine. People credit acai with promoting weight loss, but according to Britannica, those claims have not yet been proven in peer-reviewed studies. 

Acai palm is highly versatile. While people throughout the world enjoy the fruits, people in Central and South American also eat the palms as a vegetable. 

4. Acerola

Acerola cherries are a tropical fruit that may have the highest concentration of vitamin C, according to research from the School of Tropical Medicine in San Juan Puerto Rico. Native to 

The Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America people started cultivating it in Brazil shortly after World War II as part of a local initiative to increase vitamin C consumption. 

Although the acerola fruit resembles cherries, it isn’t a true cherry. This fruit is quite delicate so when sold commercially it is often in supplement form. Locals who eat the fruit fresh often describe it as tasting fresh but slightly astringent. Long used in traditional medicine, researchers are studying possible applications for modern medicine.

Outside regions where it grows, acerola cherries are primarily frozen, dried, or in a concentrated supplement form learning to a risk of potential over-consumption. Eating too much sometimes results in side effects like digestive issues.

5. Ackee 

Ackee, sometimes known as ackee apple, grows on an evergreen tree found primarily in Africa and the Caribbean. This “pear-shaped” fruit transitions from green to a bright red to yellow-orange depending on its ripeness. The tree produces fruit throughout the year with two annual fruit-producing seasons.

Some describe ackee as tasting slightly nutlike and having a spongy texture slightly reminiscent of scrambled eggs. Although ackee has many culinary uses, it requires special preparation as some of the fruit is toxic. During harvest, people open the fruit before picking to allow it to breathe and “exhale” toxins. Next harvesters discard the seeds. 

Cooks often include it in Caribbean dishes including cooked in a stew, soup, or curry. Commercial producers can put it in brine for use in several Caribbean and South American countries. 

6. African Breadfruit

African Breadfruit, or Ukwa, is a tropical food that some consider a lesser-known superfood. It is related to and bears similarities to breadnut, figs, jackfruit, and mulberries. 

Ukwa or African breadfruit is popular in Nigeria where people also eat the seeds due to the high nutritional value including protein, healthy oils, and carbohydrates. Commercial producers press the seeds for oil and even grind the seed into flour. The fruit is often served cooked with fish or crayfish.

7. African Cherry Orange

African Cherry Orange is an unusual citrus fruit that resembles and tastes similar to tangerines. Some also use the roots in folk medicine to treat impotence, but there is a lack of scientific studies confirming this application. The tree thrives in sunlight growing in Central and Western Africa. 

8. African Star Apple

Traditionally African Star Apple isn’t picked, instead, people allowed it to fall from the tree. The name refers to the star-shaped pattern the seeds form if you cut it on a cross-section. After cutting, people typically eat it raw as a snack. 

African star apples contain as much as 15% of the RDA of calcium as well as vitamin C and A. The skins are bright orange and the flesh tastes sweet and has a slightly chewy white sap. It is most often found in Nigeria, Togo, the Republic of Benin, and Ghana.

9. Akebia

Akebia are fruits often found in Asia that some say tastes like a blend of banana, passion fruit and lychee. The flavor varies by the variety. Traditionally it was a wild plant consumed seasonally by foragers but it has more recently evolved into a niche specialty crop.

The fruit has an elongated appearance with soft purple skin and lighter internal flesh. The plant also has purple flowers and is often featured in art. People eat akebia both raw and cooked.

10. Alligator apple

Alligator apple is native to Florida, the Caribbean, and Central and the Americas. The name pays homage to the fact alligators enjoy eating the fruit. 

Humans also eat alligator apples and describe the flavor as similar to honeydew and it is often made into jam. Alligator apple is also found in Australia where it is an invasive species and considered a weed.

Also known as pond apple or swamp apple, it resembles a green apple growing in swamps and wet environments. 

11. Alligator pear

Do you know what an alligator pear is? It happens to be another name for avocado! The name refers to the “alligator” like the appearance of the green peel as well as the pear-like shape. The term is a colloquial nickname someone started using sometime in the 1600s  especially in Europe before avocados were available in every grocery store. 

12. Almond

While many think of the almond as a nut, it isn’t a true tree nut and is really more of a fruit. It grew from ancient times in Mediterranean regions, North Africa, and Southern Europe. 

The seeds are eaten as snacks, in a variety of dishes, and also in a confectionary dessert known as Marzipan. People extract it into the water to create almond milk, nondairy milk-like beverage, and grind it into flour. The flour can be used in place of wheat flour to make cookies, pancakes, and other foods. Even though it isn’t a true tree nut it is nutritionally similar and some people have strong allergic reactions. 

People in the Middle-east sometimes eat unripe “green almond” fruit whole before it hardens. This fruit is known to be a little sour and is often dipped in salt to counteract the sourness. .

13. Alpine strawberry

The Alpine strawberry is a petite-looking strawberry native to Europe and Asia. Some feel the flavor pales compared to the more common strawberry so they grow them as ornaments or to make into preserves.

14. Alupag

Alupag are related to lychee and have a brown bumpy looking peel with a relatively smaller amount of white fruit flesh and a large seed. It is popular in Southeast Asia, but outside the local area most are more familiar with lychee. People peel the fruit and eat it raw as a snack. 

15. Amanatsu

Amanatsu is a grapefruit-sized orange fruit traditionally found in Japan. The name actually means “sweet summer.” People typically peel the fruit and eat it fresh. The city of Hagi is renowned for cultivating Amanatsu. 

16. Amara

Amara, also known by other names including Spondias mombin and hog plum, grows in the West Indies and other tropical Americas and parts of Asia. In addition to the fruit flesh, the seeds are also used due to their very high oil content. 

The fruit is enjoyed as a juice, concentrate, or to flavor desserts like sorbets. In Thailand, they also use the young leaves as a flavoring combined with chili powder. Some also brew the leaves in a tea.

17. Amazon Tree Grape

Amazon Tree Grape is thought to be native to South America and yields a sweet fruit that makes delicious jams or can be eaten fresh. Since the truth is sensitive to fungus and other tree diseases it isn’t usually commercially cultivated.

18. Ambarella

Ambarella or June plum is found in Sri Lanka, Melanesia, and Polynesia. The fruit falls to the grown while still green but ripens to a golden yellow hue. It is pear-shaped with smooth-looking skin. 

Some describe the flesh as having a crunchy texture and a slightly sour taste. In Indonesia, it is frequently enjoyed with a shrimp paste. In most places where Ambarella is enjoyed, people use it cooked to flavor sauces, soups, or other dishes.

19. Amra

Amra is also known as hog plum or Amara (mentioned earlier). The fruit is high in vitamin C like many other fruits.

20. Anchovy Pear

Anchovy Pear is native to the West Indies and from an evergreen nut tree in marshy areas. The fruit is sometimes eaten pickled and people often describe the taste as a little like mango.

21. Andean Blackberry

As the name suggests the Andean Blackberry thrives in high elevations such as Bolivia and the northern and central Andes. This fruit contains antioxidants and vitamins and is locally regarded as delicious and healthy food. Some describe the flavor as similar to the loganberry or other blackberries but more intensely tangy. 

22. Annato

Annato is native to tropical regions going from Mexico to Brazil. Commonly used as seasoning or condiment, annatto has a slightly sweet, floral, nutty, and peppery flavor and scent.

Annatto is a brilliant orange-red color thanks to a high concentration of carotenoid pigments such as those found in other red and orange produce like carrots. This is why annatto is a highly-sought-after ingredient for natural food coloring. Carotenoids are also antioxidants and may promote eye health. 

23. Apple

No list of fruits starting with an “a” would be complete without including the apple! The apple tree likely originated in Central Asia thousands of years ago, today the apple trees grow throughout Europe, Asia, the Americas, and beyond. 

This highly versatile fruit is eaten raw, cooked, and made into applesauce, jams, ciders and juice. Since apples are used in a variety of cultural cuisines the uses are seemingly endless. Some use it as a flavoring in savory foods like sausages and meat dishes while others in desserts like pies and pastries. People eat the flesh and skin, but the seeds are not suitable for human consumption since they contain small amounts of toxins. 

24. Apple Berry

Apple Berry grows on a shrub native to coastal and tableland areas of Australia. Sometimes people call it “apple dumpling.” The fruit doesn’t look like apples, it has an elongated shape. It got its name because many think apple berries taste like stewed apples or kiwifruit. 

Australian gardeners who prefer native plants frequently cultivate apple berry for their appearance, delicious fruit, and ability to attract birds. The fruit ripens after it falls from the bush. 

25. Apple guava

The apple guava is a spherical-shaped fruit that resembles the classic apple. It grows from trees native to tropical and subtropical regions in Central and South Americas, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

It is one of over 100 varieties of guava fruits and is generally enjoyed raw. People also enjoy pairing them with soft cheeses, desserts, and seafood. 

26. Apple rose

Apple roses are often known as rose apples. This small oval-shaped fruit has a slightly rosy floral flavor and scent notes. The trees are native to Southeast Asian islands. Currently, they are cultivated in subtropical climates worldwide. Culinary uses include using apple roses to infuse sugar, jellies, sauces, and beverages. People eat them raw or cooked. 

27. Apricot

Apricots are a small peach-like fruit in the prune family that grows on small trees. The orange-colored hue comes from beta-carotene and apricots are a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other healthy phytochemicals.

Armenians cultivated apricots since ancient times and other ancient cultures such as the ancient Egyptians also cultivated their own varieties. Apricots are featured in Jewish, Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African cuisines. This fruit is also used in Chinese medicine. People consume them fresh and raw, dried, or cooked into a wide range of sweet or savory dishes.

28. Araca-boi

Araca-boi are a large guava-like yellow fruit. They may be native to Brazil and thrive in non-flooding areas near the Amazon river. The fruit is juicy, acidic and high in vitamin C. It is typically used to flavor desserts, ice cream, and beverages. People also enjoy eating raw fresh araca-boi.

29. Argan

Over the past decade, argan oil has been all the rage in the health and beauty press. The nutritious oil is often referred to a Moroccan oil and is used in a range of shampoo, hair care, and skincare products.

This fruit is strongly associated with Morocco. Sometimes people are surprised to learn that argan also has culinary uses. Argan oil is highly nutritious and rich in vitamin e and other fat-soluble vitamins. In Morocco, people dip bread in argan oil or use it to flavor couscous. Another popular use is grinding a mix of argan and almond into a paste used as a spread similar to peanut butter. Argan fruit are green, oval shaped nuts slightly larger than an olive.

30. Arrayan

Arrayan fruit is native to Mexico and is now found in other subtropical regions like Puerto Rico. They are also known as the Sartre guava. This fruit has a flavor and texture similar to guava and some people eat them whole including the seeds. Arrayan fruits are also dried and preserved in jams. 

31. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is also referred to as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. While some do eat the shorts, fruit, and seeds, ashwagandha is more commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. Some practitioners believe it is a natural inflammatory beneficial for a range of conditions. Like many herbs used in traditional medicine, researchers are in the process of investigating the validity of some of the medicinal claims.  

32. Asian Pear

The Asian pear is a fruit with many names. Some call it the zodiac pear, apple pear, Japanese pear,Taiwanese pear, Chinese pear or Korean pear. As all these names suggest, these fruits are native to East Asia. They are cultivated throughout Asia, Cyprus, Australia, and elsewhere. The fruit is large and round with a crisp juicy texture. 

For centuries people prized the Asian pear as a relatively expensive and delicious treat. For that reason, there is a strong tradition of giving these fruit as gifts or eating them during celebrations. These juicy, fragrant fruits are often used as a flavoring and sweetener in soy and vinegar-based sauces used in a variety of savory dishes. 

33. Atemoya

Atemoya are a hybrid tropical fruit that comes from crossing the sugar-apple and the cherimoya. Both of the parent fruits are native to tropical regions. Atemoya are found in Taiwan, Cuba, Venezuela, and other places. Some other names include the pineapple sugar apple reflecting the misconception some have that it is a hybrid of a pineapple and sugar apple.

This fruit has a distinctive appearance like a heart-shape with a light green colored bumpy-looking skin. People eat the fresh fruit raw, first cutting it open then scooping out the fresh. The small black seeds contain toxins and are not edible. 

34. Atherton Raspberry

Atherton Raspberry are native to Australia and Papua New Guinea. These tiny red berries thrive in warm tropical and subtropical climates. People enjoy them seasonally and consider them a type of bramble. The fruit has a sharp and intense raspberry flavor. 

35. Australian Finger Lime

Australian Finger Lime is also sometimes referred to as caviar lime. They grow in subtropical, lowland rainforests in Australia. Although sought after as a gourmet “bushfood” they are not yet widely cultivated. The nickname “lime caviar” comes from the red caviar-like appearance of the juice vesicles sometimes used as a topping or garnish. Commercially, Australian finger lime is most often used in marmalade. 

36. Australian Round Lime

As the name suggests, Australian Round Lime is native to Australia. This spherical-shaped fruit has greenish or yellow skin and pale green pulp. Most commonly used in marmalades or as a flavoring. People also zest the peel to garnish and flavor pasta and for any other dish where lime peel is used.

37. Ausubo 

Ausubo is native to the Caribbean and also found in a variety of places from Mexico to Brazil. The tree’s wood is a popular timber product used to make furniture and decorative items. People also eat the yellow fruit when it is freshly in season.

38. Avocado

Chances are you are familiar with avocados as guacamole, avocado toast and avocado shakes have been trendy for years. Many love the smooth creamy texture as well as the concentration of healthy oils and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin e. The avocado likely originates from central Mexico and is cultivated wherever the climate is suitable due to its popularity. 

Archeologists believe that people in parts of North, Central, and South America cultivated avocados as early as 5,000 BC. The name may have come from a proto-Aztecan word for “testicles” possibly referring to the appearance of an avocado. As mentioned earlier, sometimes avocados are also called “alligator pears” particularly in some European countries after the Spanish brought some back from the Americas.

39. Azarole

Azarole berries grow on fragrant trees and are part of the rose family. The red berries are similar sized to blueberries and some say they taste a little like apples. People eat the berries raw or cooked into preserves. 

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ABCDEFGHIJKL – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z