Wanna broaden your fruit vocabulary? Check out this list of fruits that start with L.
Off the top of your head, you can probably think of lemons and limes, but we’ve got 9 more fruits you might not know about.
For instance, have you ever heard of a loquat or loganberry? What about the lablab bean?
Below you’ll learn all about these unique fruits, including their history, health benefits, and how you can use them in cooking.
So widen your fruit database and keep reading this list of fruits that start with L!
Fruits that Start with the Letter L
1. Lemon
Let’s start with a fruit we all know and love.
The lemon is a bright citrus fruit that’s been enjoyed for centuries. While the exact origins are unknown, the lemon likely came from northern Myanmar or China.
You can trace the history of lemons back to ancient Rome, where they were sought-after for their medicinal and ornamental properties. In fact, lemons used to be so highly prized they were once considered a luxury item that only the wealthy could afford.
Since then, lemons have become more widely available, and today, they are a staple in kitchens around the globe.
Lemons are packed with vitamin C, essential for a healthy immune system. They also contain high levels of antioxidants that can help to protect against chronic diseases.
The sour citrus may also aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and even improve skin health.
So, next time you add a spritz of lemon to your dish, think about the impressive health benefits that come with the mouth-puckering tartness.
2. Loganberry
The loganberry is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. It has a large cone shape with deep, purple flesh.
You can call this berry a happy accident since horticulturist James Harvey Logan created it by mistake. He was trying to cross two blackberries to create a superior cultivar but accidentally used a raspberry instead. And hence, the loganberry was born.
The distinct tart flavor and intense juiciness make the loganberry a sought-after fruit. This berry is popular throughout the Pacific Northwest and cooler regions in North America.
While this berry is a joy to eat raw, you’ll also find it used for flavoring jams, pies, sodas, and wines.
Aside from the delicious flavor, loganberries boast numerous health benefits including a high antioxidant and vitamin C content.
3. Lakoocha Fruit
Lakoocha, also known as monkey fruit, is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a distinctive taste with a unique sweet and sour flavor that makes it super cravable. That is, if you can get past the unsightly appearance first.
Lakoocha fruit looks like a mutant fruit from an alien planet, with knobby, uneven growths that sprout from the core. The fruit’s interior is bright orange and pulpy with a soft texture.
Despite the unusual appearance, lakoocha fruit comes with numerous health benefits. The ample amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants help boost the immune system and protect the body from harmful free radicals.
Lakoocha is also a great source of fiber, which helps to improve digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.
4. Lingonberries
You might know this fruit from walking through Ikea’s food court, but the lingonberry has more to offer than just being a Scandinavian staple. These small, tart berries pack incredible health benefits.
A single serving of lingonberries contains 30% of your daily recommended vitamin C and A intake and a whopping 9g of fiber.
Additionally, promising studies show that lingonberries may improve cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation.
This berry is traditionally used in pancakes, jams, and sauces since it tastes quite bitter when eaten raw. But with all the impressive health benefits, you may want to try incorporating these nutrient-dense berries in your baking.
5. Limes
Did you know that limes were one of the earliest citrus fruits to be introduced to other parts of the world by the spice trade? You can trace the origins of the lime all the way back to 3000 BCE, when merchants would ship the sour fruit from Southeast Asia to neighboring countries.
These days, limes are a mainstay as a garnish and seasoning for drinks and dishes. They add a zesty flavor to drinks, salads, and marinades, and are a popular ingredient in Mexican and Thai cuisine.
Limes are also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including coughs, colds, and digestive problems.
There are promising studies that limes might help boost the immune system, promote healthy skin, and help the body absorb iron. Limes also contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and lead to chronic diseases.
6. Limequat
Have you ever heard of the limequat? This unique hybrid of lime and kumquat was first cultivated in the early 1900s by American plant breeder Walter Swingle. You’ll now find this citrus hybrid growing all across the world.
The fruit is small and yellow with an oval-like shape. The flavor tastes similar to limes but with a touch more sweetness, thanks to the kumquat. You can even eat the skin, which is the most sugary part of the limequat.
Like other citrus fruits, the limequat is high in vitamin C and can help maintain a healthy immune system.
7. Loquat
Loquat is a small, orange-colored fruit that’s native to south-central China. They have juicy orange flesh with edible, slightly fuzzy skin.
When you sink your teeth into a loquat, you can expect a tangy sweet flavor halfway between an apricot and a peach. While delicious when eaten raw, you’ll often find loquats in jams, jellies, and other desserts.
Loquats are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. This fruit is exceptionally high in carotenoid antioxidants, which prevent cellular damage.
8. Lalab Bean
Also known as the hyacinth bean, the lablab bean is a versatile and nutritious food that has been enjoyed for centuries.
You might be wondering what a bean is doing on this list of fruits that start with L, but legumes like the lablab bean technically qualify as fruit.
This tropical legume is packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals that make it a healthy staple to any diet.
The lablab bean is incredibly versatile, with a flavor likened to a milder lima bean. Whether using it in stir-fries, soups, or salads, this legume will make a welcome addition to any dish.
9. Lemon Aspen
Lemon aspen is a unique and exotic fruit that is native to Australia.
The best way to describe this fruit would be to imagine a lemon mixed with a berry and then sweetened with honey. The size of this fruit is tiny, usually ranging an inch in diameter on average.
If you pop one of these berries in your mouth, expect an intense lemony flavor with sweet herbal undertones that taste like honey and eucalyptus.
This berry contains a high amount of iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. They also boast higher levels of antioxidants than blueberries.
10. Lucuma
Lucuma is a tropical fruit that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its unique flavor and health benefits. This superfood is native to South America and is often referred to as the “Gold of the Incas.”
Once you give this fruit a try, you’ll understand the hype behind the name. It has a sweet, creamy taste, similar to caramel or maple syrup. You’ll often find powdered lucuma as a natural sweetener with 75% less sugar and half the carbs compared to refined sugar.
While this fruit doesn’t offer much in terms of vitamins and minerals, it does contain some antioxidants and fiber.
11. Lychee
The lychee is a tropical fruit that hails from Southeast Asia, but it has become a popular export to other parts of the world.
This fruit is covered by a pinkish-red, rough skin that is easily peeled away to reveal the delicious flesh inside. The flavor is sweet and slightly tangy with a hint of floral aroma.
Apart from its delectable taste, lychee is also a nutritional powerhouse. It’s loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that may benefit liver health, immunity, and cardiovascular function.